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Welcome to Saddle Realty's Texas Trivia, where you and your friends can test your knowledge of the great State of Texas.

Where was the original Republic of Texas Declaration of Independence adopted?

What are the "six (6) flags over Texas"?

What is the original craft brewery in Austin?

What is the largest river between the Rio Grande and the Red River; it has a total length of approx 840 miles from the source of its longest fork?

How many counties are in the State of Texas?

What is the busiest stretch of road in Texas?

What organization is the largest private employer in Texas?

What is the largest ranch contained within one fence?

What is the largest ranch by land area?

What is the highest peak?

How many U.S. presidents called Texas home before taking office?

What is the tallest building in Texas?

How many total professional sports teams are in Texas across football, baseball, basketball, soccer, ice hockey and rugby?

What is the only natural lake in Texas?

What is the largest reservoir located completely within the State of Texas by surface area?

What is the oldest spring-fed pool in Texas?

If you have a fun questions you would like to submit for consideration, please direct it to info@saddlerealty.com.

Scroll down for answers.

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Spain, France, Mexico, Republic of Texas, the Confederate States of America and the United States of America

Live Oak Brewery

Brazos River, or Rio de los Brazos de Dios, translated as "The River of the Arms of God"


Katy Freeway / I10 just west of 610 loop


Waggoner Ranch at approx 530,000 acres

King Ranch at approx 825,000 acres

Guadalupe Peak at approx 8,750'

Four (4), including Eisenhower, LBJ, Bush 41 and Bush 43

JP Morgan Chase in Houston at approx 1,002', or 75 stories

A lot. I came up with the question and struggle to answer it.

Caddo Lake in east Texas near the Louisiana state line

Sam Rayburn Reservoir at approx 114,500 surface acres. Toledo Bend Reservoir is larger at approx 185,000 surface acres, but it extends into Louisiana.

Hancock Pool in Lampasas, which was established in 1883